A Baby’s Cry

Monster Behind A Boulder In A Forest At Holdi Rzckhno

Jason and Brenda had been hiking into the night through the trail in the forest. A pale moon bathed the forest providing a little light to guide their way. They came to an opening in the forest where they decided to camp for the night. They set up their tent, got into their sleeping bags, and fell asleep.

Right before dawn they awoke and heard a baby crying in the forest. Brenda said to Jason, “Maybe someone left their unwanted baby there. We must go and save it.”

They trudged through the forests and followed the sound of the baby’s cry. They heard it crying behind a large boulder. Brenda rushed toward the boulder to help the baby.

When she peered behind the boulder looking for the baby, a giant, hairy monster with large sharp teeth rose up and grabbed her.

Brenda screamed and shouted, “Help me Jason!”

Jason, too terrified to help, ran away hearing Brenda screams behind him. He reached his car and sped away, crying and guilty for not trying to help Brenda, he soothed his conscience by thinking their was nothing he could have done.

He drove to the police department and recounted the incident. They had him accompany them in their squad car driving to the forest. When they hiked to the spot where Brenda had been attacked by the giant, hairy monster, the police found no signs of Brenda or a monster.

Days later, when Brenda was reported missing, the police began to build a case against Jason for the murder of Brenda and worked on finding the location of Brenda’s body, and Jason was convicted of murder, nobody believing his bizarre monster tale.

Bob Boyd


Author: Bob Boyd

79, cancer survivor, work out 3 times a week, walk 2 hours daily. Kundalini energy rising since age 27, began writing poetry October 2023.

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